Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My Handcart is an SUV

We are fast approaching July 24 - known throughout Mormondom as "Pioneer Day."

Church sacrament meetings and Primary sharing times are replete with lessons learned from those hardy saints who struggled across the plains on their way to Zion.

I've been thinking more about what it is like for us modern day Latter day Saints who are striving to carry our lives across our own versions of the Rocky Mountains on our way to living back in the presence of God.

Our challenges may be different. But the effort and sacrifices required are much the same.

Events in the world seem to be spinning faster and faster with each passing year. What it takes to keep a family on track in this crazy world at times can feel more than a little daunting. The path is not always clear.

But then, when those first saints set out on their trek there was no carefully marked trail for them either. Like my sisters who went before me, I must blaze my own trail at times. I must be willing to keep pushing forward even when every fiber of my body is screaming to stop. I must remember that though the journey may be perilous and difficult, the destination I'm shooting for in no less that exhaltation.

And, like them, I can't do it all at once, but rather by doing the best that I can muster step by step, day by day.


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