Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Praying with all my might

One of my very dearest friends on this planet is having some major health challenges. She has clearly been walking step by step through the refiner's fire. Tomorrow she will have a medical procedure that we are all hoping will bring her some relief from the unrelenting, excruciating pain which has been her burden for some time now. Will it work? No way to know. So tonight and tomorrow I will pray for her with each and every breath. Breath in - Dear father - Breath out - be with my friend. Breath in - Dear father - Breath out - be with my friend.
It's times like this that saying "Thy will be done" is especially difficult.
I just want her well. Even though I trust that God does know what is best and it will all work out however it is supposed to, I just want her well. Even though I accept that pain and adversity are intended pieces of this fallen mortal world, I just want her well. So I breath...Dear father... be with my friend. I hope for comfort, I hope for healing. But no matter what else happens, I hope for her whole spirit to be suffused with love. Breath in, breath out. Hold fast to prayer with each and every breath. Dear father... be with my friend.

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