Thursday, June 14, 2007

Finding My Way

For over 20 years now I have been a practicing "Mormon". Not your typical LDS woman by any stretch of the imagination (if there even is such a thing) I never the less DO believe in my heart and soul that the teachings of my faith are indeed very real.
There are some things I question and others I plain don't understand. But whenever there is a gap between what I think and what the prophets teach us, I am very clear which one of us needs to move. It ain't Gordon.

I also have had my spiritual life deeply enriched by my exposure to the Orthodox faith. Orthodoxy is SOOOOO different from my own religion. Some find it strange that I continue to have a deep attraction to and affection for the ancient church even while maintaining a firm conviction of the truth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I will not try to justify myself here. I will simply say that while I believe the true priesthood of God was restored to the earth through the prophet Joseph Smith, my understanding of repentance has been clarified by Elder Ephraim and my understanding of my worth in the sight of God has been sweetened by friendship with Fr. Daniel and Sub-Decon Thomas, among others at St. Silouan parish.

Over the coming weeks I hope to write what it means to me to be a daughter of God in this fallen world and how my testimony of Jesus Christ gives me the strength to endure, and to find peace, regardless of the chaos that may surround me.

I very much accept the Articles of Faith to be true principles which guide my life. I also recite the Jesus Prayer whenever I am in need of strength. To me this is not some "vain repetition." Instead, it is grabbing out for a lifeline - reaching toward my Savior in a meaningful way that comforts my heart.

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